Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ben Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ben Franklin - Essay Example 82). Franklin decided with these two sentences that he will respect other nation’s options but still the United States has its own conceptions to follow. Franklin also logically researched on a number of different thoughts on the diverse virtues, which he wanted to include locating the best description for his virtues list (Lauter et al. 82). "The Speech of Polly Baker," on the other hand, seems to be an optimistic and "amusing story". Nevertheless, Franklin presents a logical protest against a law, which punished females for out-of-wedlock sexual relations through whippings and imposing fines whereas the male of went without any penalty (Lauter et al. 94). Through the woman’s use of logical rhetorical questions to the judges, Franklin reveals the unfairness of the then U.S. justice system. Two examples include, â€Å"God has been pleased to add his divine Skill and admirable Workmanship in the Formation of their Bodies, and crown’d it by furnishing them with rational and immortal Souls?† and â€Å"You have already excluded me from all the Comforts of your Church Communion: Is not that sufficient† (Lauter et al.

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